2023 Next Steps -

Next Steps On Your Journey With Jesus

How can we help with the next steps in your spiritual journey? *
You're here right now because of a decision you made to trust Jesus for eternal life.  What does that mean?  And how does this all work now?  Trusting Jesus means placing your confidence in Jesus' finished work on the cross for your salvation.  It means realizing that no amount of good 'stuff' can make your broken relationship with God OK.  It means turning away from sin and into a life of surrendering your own will and asking Jesus to lead the way forward in your life. The Bible tells us that you have come from death to life and that you are a new creation!  We'd love to come along side of you and help walk with you through these early stages of your new life in Jesus.  We'd love to help you connect with a church, if you need one, and help you grow in your new life in any way that we can.  If you would give us a bit of information below about yourself, we promise to reach out very soon to talk about the next steps on your journey with Jesus!

You may not know this, but when you placed your faith in Jesus, there was a big old party that broke out, just for you, in heaven.  Jesus himself said "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." Luke 15:7   Welcome to the family!

God Loves You

Sin Separates You

Jesus Rescues You

Will You Trust Jesus?

Placing your faith in Jesus isn't about praying some 'magical' prayer.  It's understanding that God loves you, agreeing that you are a sinner and that your sin separates you from God, and that because of His love, He sent his son Jesus to die to take the punishment for your sins. Then God raised Jesus from the dead!  It's a free gift, given by grace from the God of the universe, that can be received by faith when you place your confidence in the finished work of the cross.  We'd love to talk with you more and answer any questions that you might have. If you would give us a little information about yourself below, we will reach out very soon to talk about the next steps in your journey.

Hebrews 12:2 calls Jesus the 'author and perfector' of our faith.  Jesus' finished work on the cross offers us the opportunity to move from death to life as we trust Him for salvation, but it's clear that He continues to grow us up in our faith and that our faith journey is a process. We'd love to connect with you to talk about the next steps in your journey. If you would give us a little information about yourself below, we will reach out very soon to talk about those next steps.
Connecting with like-hearted believers in a group context can be a huge part of growing up in your relationship with Jesus.  We'd love to come alongside and help you get connected with a church family where you can feel at home and that will help you grow in your journey with Jesus.  If you would give us a little information about yourself below, we will reach out very soon to talk about the next steps in your journey.
Maybe the choices above just don't quite fit?  That perfectly fine.  We'd love to connect with you to walk you through whatever questions you might have.  If you would give us a little information about yourself below, we will reach out very soon to talk about the next steps in your journey.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *